
The Public Association and the Republican Centre “Gutta-Club” is a national public benefit independent non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organisation. Its objective is to educate active citizens of a new democratic society. Our main priority is to educate young people about the environment and to help them deal with environmental problems. Our main topics are climate change, human rights, sustainable development, permaculture design, renewable energy, etc. The motto of “Gutta-Club” is GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM. The RC “Gutta-Club” was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova on July 19, 1996 being among the first non-governmental organizations in the country. During 25 years of its activity, “Gutta-Club” has implemented many projects and programmes in the environmental education field, youth policy, climate and energy efficiency.

Since 2013, “Gutta-Club” has been a member of the National Platform of Moldova of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and of the Working Group 3 “Environment,  Climate Change and Energy Security”. Its goal is to strengthen civil society in the Eastern Partnership countries and help establish cooperation and exchange of expertise among civil society organisations of these countries and the EU.

Founded in


Job Offers


Asociația Obștească «GUTTA-CLUB»
str. I. Pelivan 15 ap. 99
Chișinău, MD-2064 Republic of  Moldova

Phone +373 (0)22 751 984
Mob    +373 (0)79 751 984



Since 2002, RC “Gutta-Club” has become a national coordinator of SPARE (School Project for Application for Resources and Energy). Since 1996, the founder and international coordinator of SPARE is the Norwegian Society of Nature Conservation. SPARE is a network of national ecological public organizations from 17 countries of Europe, Middle Asia and the Caucasus. SPARE’s aim is to provide pupils education regarding energy efficiency through cross-disciplinary education and practical activities. Today, more than 250 schools in Moldova are involved into SPARE project.



The aim of the project is to strengthen the network of NGOs promoting energy efficiency and RES development in Moldova by practical activities. The project conducted a practical training course on the design of 48 solar water heating systems for Moldovan farmers, their installation in private farms and social facilities, as well as the monitoring of their efficiency. Information boards “We and Green Energy” were produced for 30 schools. There have been organized round tables in each of the 6 pilot districts and a final press conference. Also, a brochure with success stories of the project participants was prepared. The project was financed by SGP GEF. (2016-2018)

Funding Agencies
GEF Small Grants Programme



European Human Rights Law for Universities of Ukraine and Moldova, was implemented by an international consortium of leading universities from Estonia, Sweden, Ukraine, the UK and Moldova with the financial support from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme. Development by Ukrainian and Moldovan authors of a textbook and curriculum for universities: “The Role of NGOs in the Formation and Development of the Legal Movement”. Presentation “Role of NGOs in the Promotion of Environmental Rights: Methods and Examples” based on the experience of RC “Gutta-Club” for the law students of the State University of Moldova, “A. Russo” University of Balti and Police Academy “Stefan cel Mare” of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Republic of Moldova. Study exchange visits to Technical Universities in Stockholm and Tallinn.

Project Partner
Technical Universities in Stockholm and Tallinn

Funding Agencies
European Union’s Erasmus+ programme





Number of Employees

Project Regions


Project Partners

Project Donors

GEF Small Grants Programme

European Union’s Erasmus+ programme

Moldovan NGO ID