Society for Birds and Nature Protection

The Society for Birds and Nature Protection (SPPN) is an NGO that brings together ornithologists and nature lovers to promote the study and conservation of wild bird species in Republic of Moldova. Our mission is to promote the protection of the environment in general, and of wild bird species in particular, as well as their habitats, through scientific monitoring and conservation efforts. We also want to provide an educational environment for the general public on the importance of wildlife and its protection and the promotion of a responsible attitude towards nature. Our vision is to be the “voice” of wild birds in front of societies and public authorities.

Founded in


Societatea și Protecția Păsărilor și a Naturii
sr. Mecanizatorilor 7
Iargara, Leova, MD-6321 Republic of Moldova



Moldova’s Contribution to the 2nd European Atlas of Breeding Birds (EBBA2)

the project “Moldova’s Contribution to the 2nd European Atlas of Breeding Birds (EBBA2)” aimed at collecting information on nesting bird species in the Republic of Moldova and providing them to the European Atlas Coordination Team. The project was part of the parallel activities of the New European Breeding Bird Atlas (EBBA2), which took place throughout the European continent and aimed to produce an Atlas to show changes in the distribution of breeding birds (compared to the first atlas, 1980).

Project Website

Project Partner
European Birds Census Council

Funding Agencies
MAVA Foundation




Project Regions


Project Donors

Mava Foundation


Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Annual Turnover in EUR

1.000 EUR

Moldovan NGO ID

101 66 2000 1421