NEC – National Environmental Center

The National Environmental Center is a civil society public association founded on March 18, 2010, with the purpose of combining the efforts of all stakeholders to address environment and climate change related issues. We aim to raise public awareness about these topics and, through a joint effort of all the actors in society, to mobilize citizens and to transform the classic development paradigm into the triad model of sustainability: balanced decision-making between economic, social, and environmental factors. We believe we can achieve this only by acting united. Therefore, we work together with partner NGOs, the media, educational institutions, local and municipal public authorities, central public authorities, and development partners.


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Job Offers


Asociația Obștească «Centrul Național de Mediu»
Str. Sfatul Țării 61, of. 20
Chișinău, MD-2004 Republic of  Moldova

Phone +373 (0)79 812 721



The “EU4Youth: School Garden for the development of agricultural entrepreneurship” project (launched in 2018) aims to foster the employability and active participation of youth residing in disadvantaged rural areas in society and economy by developing modern labor skills, supporting them in becoming leaders/entrepreneurs, and promoting new professional opportunities among them. Activities include creating business-incubators, organizing study tours, establishing partner networks.

Project Website

Project Partner
Green Cross Belarus; Green Cross Ukraine; John Paul II Foundation, Italy

Funding Agencies
European Union and co-financed by the Green Cross International


Advocating for good environmental governance in the Eastern Partnership region

During 2022, NGOs from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine will assess the state of good environmental governance in the three Eastern Partnership countries. This will contribute to the understanding of the challenges related to good environmental governance as well as toformulate concrete recommendations for national authorities, European Commission, civil society. Success stories
will then be shared with other Partner countries

Project Website

Project Partner
RICDOG (Georgia) and Resource and Analysis Centre “Society and Environment” (Ukraine)

Funding Agencies
Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum’s Outline for the Membership and the European Union

EaP Project

Improving the implementation of public environmental policies through participatory democracy

The aim of this project (09.2020–08.2021) was to promote active participation of civil society organizations (CSOs) and youth in monitoring public environmental policies, and to strengthen the dialogue between CSOs and local public authorities on their implementation. Main activities included increasing civic activism, raising awareness about job creation opportunities, and monitoring public policies.

Project Website

Project Partner
Consiliul Național al Tineretului din Moldova

Funding Agencies
European Union, Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Improving the implementation of public environmental policies through participatory democracy




Number of Employees


Project Regions


Project Partners

Embassy of Sweden in Moldova


Agenția ”Apele Moldovei”


Asociația Presei Independente (APi)

AO Eco-Sor


Asociația Obștească “Oikumena”

Green Cross Belarus

Green Cross Ukraine


Business and Professional Women (BPW-Moldova)


Consiliul Național al Tineretului din Moldova (CNTM)

Mișcarea Ecologistă din Moldova (MEM)

Moldrec IP

Youbesc Creative Institute

Project Donors

The GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP)

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)



United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Austrian Development Agency

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

EU Water Initiative for Eastern Partnership (EUWI+)

U.S. Embassy in Moldova

Agenția ” Apele Moldovei”


National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Finnish Embassy in Romania

Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova

Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF)

Annual Turnover in EUR

240.000 EUR

Moldovan NGO ID

101 06 2000 1854