Women in Sustainable Development of Moldova – WiSDOM

WiSDOM is a non-profit organization headquartered in Chisinau, Moldova. Our projects are focused in rural areas, by offering sustainable descentralized and simple solutions accessible to a wide range of population. We believe that the change in menthality and attitude for a sustainable way of life can be achieved by raising awareness of local stakeholders through the implementation of demonstration projects and creating premises for replicating the success stories. Through our initiatives we offer solutions for immediate benefits for local population, but also seek for a long term environmental and social impact. WiSDOM is a member of the following international networks: The GWP, SuSanA, WECF.

Founded in


Job Offers


based on specific projects and request



Women in Sustainable Development of Moldova – WiSDOM
1 Universitatii str., ap. 4
Chișinău, MD-2009 Republic of Moldova

Web sites.google.com/view/www-wisdom-com/home
Mail wisdom2004@gmail.com
Phone +373 (0)69 00 2283



Cleaner Rivers – Cleaner Seas (CRoCuS)- The project will contribute to a rapid assessment and forecasting of the extent of the impact of waste and its potential for reduction. The project will raise awareness and mobilize stakeholders of pilot localities located on the banks of the Prut (Romania and Moldova), Dnieper (Ukraine) and Tundja (Bulgaria) rivers. The reduction of riparian waste will contribute to a reduction of marine waste in the Black Sea basin and the fulfillment of priority 2.2 of the BSB program – that of promoting joint actions to raise awareness and reduce river and marine litter.

Project Website

Project Partner
Earth Forever Foundation, Ecotox Association, Mama 86 Nova Kakhovka,
Oancea townhall

Funding Agencies
European Union, Black Sea Basin Program 2014-2020

Cost-effective and climate-friendly solutions for organic waste

Cost-effective and climate-friendly solutions for organic waste management – The project came out with cost-effective and climatefriendly solutions for management of organic waste (micro-aerobic composting of animal and garden waste; soil mulching by applying wood waste; use of wood chippers for reducing waste volume; vermifiltration of wastewater and septic tanks, changing attitudes towards waste and looking at it as a resource. This could be harnessed through videos, radio shows, social media and a photo exhibition for NGOs, LPA representatives, small business, schools and research institutions from the target localities (Tohatin commune, Chisinau municipality; Slobozia Mare, Cahul), as well as from other localities in the Republic of Moldova.

Project Website

Project Partner
Ecotox association, Tohatin townhall

Funding Agencies
SiDA via Eco-Contact


Sustainable sanitation in small towns in the Danube region – (SANDANUBE)The main objective of SANDANUBE is to develop a project proposal which can be then applied to different funding
programmes. START funding will be used for funding mapping, partners and stakeholders ’analysis, legislation surveys and a preparation of the overall project proposal. A workshop with a study visit will be organized on 19-20 April in Ljubljana, Slovenia that has been named the European Green Capital 2016. Exchanging knowledge and experiences within the GWP CEE partner and
stakeholder network will be one of the key elements for a successful project application for funding programmes of the European Union. It can be later replicated beyond the Danube region. In the broader context, the project also contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and especially SDG 6 to ensure access to water and sanitation for all.

Project Website

Project Partner
GWP CEE, University of Ljubljana

Funding Agencies
START – Danube Region Project Fund of the European Union Strategy for
the Danube Region





Project Regions


Project Partners


Eco Contact

Slobozia Mare townhall

Project Donors

European Union


European Union Strategy for the Danube Region